
Dr. Khirapada Dutta
Educational Qualifications
- BA (English Honours) - Gauhati University
- MA (English) - Tezpur University
- Post-Graduate Diploma in Teaching of English - Central Institute of English and Foreign Languages (presently, EFLU)
- M Phil - Maduarai Kamaraj University
- PhD - Assam University, Silchar
Professional Experiences
- Registrar, Madhabdev University w.e.f. 27.09.2024
- Registrar i/c, Madhabdev University w.e.f. 01.02.2024 to 21.09.2024
- Academic Registrar i/c of Madhabdev University from 15.07.2019 to 24.05.2023
- Nodal officer, NIRF, Madhabdev University from 2019 till 2023
- Nodal officer, NIRF, Madhabdev College from 2015 to 2019
- IQAC Co-ordinator, Madhabdev College, from 2016 to 2019
- Associate Professor, Dept of English, Madhabdev University (erstwhile Madhabdev College) w.e.f. 04.01.2017
- Assistant Professor, Dept of English, Madhabdev College: from 04.01.2003 to 03.01.2017
English Literature, English Language Teaching (ELT)
Area of Interest
Literature, ELT, Comparative Literature, Translation Studies
Research Projects Completed
- Development of Language Skills in the English Learners of Rural Assamese Medium Schools of North Lakhimpur Sub-division, District- Lakhimpur completed in 2009
- Demons and Witches in Assamese Folk Belief, completed in 2019
Research Publications
- “Effectiveness of the Teaching of English in the Assamese Medium Schools of Assam” in Research Analysis and Evaluation, ISSN 097-3486, May 2012. Online journal.
- “An Analysis of the Teacher’s Role in Classroom Teaching of English in Assamese Medium high Schools” in Mezangkari, ISSN 2778-604X, Biswanath Chariali: ADKW Publishers, June 2012.
- “An Analysis of the Teaching Goals as Perceived by the English Teachers of the Assamese Medium High Schools of Assam” in Research Analysis and Evaluation ISSN 097-3486, July 2012. Online journal.
- “Teaching English as an Instrument for Socio- Economic Enhancement” in Socio-Economic Development in North-East India: A Comparative Approach, ISBN 978-93-81694-24-4, Nagaon: Krantikaal Prakashan, July 2012.
- “Teaching of English in Vernacular Schools and Colleges of Assam: An Observation” in Mezangkari, ISSN 2778-604X, Biswanath Chariali: ADKW Publishers, December 2012.
- “Demons and Witches in Assamese Folk Belief: A Study” in Mezangkari, ISSN 2778-604X, Biswanath Chariali: ADKW Publishers, December 2013.
- “Emotional Issues of Old Age: A Study” in ACTA Journal, ISSN:2229-693X, Guwahati: ACTA, 2014.
- “Sarbabharatiya Bhakti Andolanar Prekshapatat Srimanta Sankardevar Darsan” in Asomor Nava Vaishnava Bhakti Dharma Aru Mahapurusha Sankardeva ISBN 978-93-81183-60-1, Guwahati: N L Publications, 2014.
- “The Teacher’s Role in Classroom Teaching of English in Assamese Medium High Schools: A Study Based on the Schools of Lakhimpur District of Assam” in Summary of Doctoral Theses, ISBN 978-81-920635-5-4, Guwahati: ACTA, 2014.
- “Anubad Sahitya Hisape “Asrutirtha”- Ek Parjyalosana” in Visva Sahityar Paricay ISBN 978-93-81689-89-9, Lakhimpur: Dutta Prakashan, January, 2015.
- “Rape: Self-Help Strategies” in Rengani ISBN 978-93-244-0448-0, Narayanpur: Women Cell, Madhabdev College, January, 2015.
- “Madhabdev-‘muktito nispriha jito’ the Selfless Lover” in Sonalee Sourav ISBN 978-81-920673-6-0, Madhabdev College: Golden Jubilee Organizing Committee, January, 2015.
- “Cultural Legitimization of Gender-Based Violence” in ACTA Journal, ISSN 2229-693X, Guwahati: ACTA, 2015.
- “The Internal Assessment System of Dibrugarh University Affiliated Colleges: Some Observations” in Higher Education in North-East India: Issues and Concerns, ISBN 978-93-82976-26-4, January, 2016.
- “Influences of Non-Aryan Languages on Assamese” in Pre-Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Indian Languages in Contact Situations, Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institutions, Pune, 2016.
- “Position of Woman in Dak’s Sayings of Assam, India” in The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, ISSN 2321 – 9203, 2016. Online journal.
- “Hinduism, Bhakti Cult, and Ek Saran Nam Dharma: A Glimpse” in Bhakti Boibhav: A Souvenir of 86th Annual Session of Srimanta Sankardeva Sangha, ISBN 978-93-84679-57-6, Gohpur: Srimanta Sankardeva Sangha, 2017.
- “Learning Values: Why Our Students Do Not Care?” in Darshan, ISBN 978-81-9333198-8-8, Madhabdev College: Dept of Philosophy, 2017.
- “Sex, Gender, Sextremism and FEMEN” in Rengoni ISBN 978-93-87287-02-0, Narayanpur: Women Cell, Madhabdev College, 2017.
- “Hinduism, Bhakti Cult, and Ek Saran Nam Dharma: A Glimpse” in Bixoy: Sankardeva-Madhabdeva, ISBN 978-93-87287-08-2, Narayanpur: Madhabdev Mahavidyala Prakashan, 2018.
- “Negation in Assamese” in Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics, ISSN: 2581-494X, Volume-04, No.1, 2020, Pp. 48-57. Jadavpur: School of Languages and Linguistics, Jadavpur University. UGC Care listed journal.
- “Relational Nouns in Assamese” in Jadavpur Journal of Languages and Linguistics, ISSN: 2581-494X, Volume-04, No.2, 2020, Pp. 90-96. Jadavpur: School of Languages and Linguistics, Jadavpur University. UGC Care listed journal.
- “Definitives in Assamese” in Sampriti ISSN: 2454-3837, Vol-VI, Issue-II, Pp. 374-382, September, 2020, Guwahati: Sampriti Publication. UGC Care listed journal.
- “The Concept of Maya a Mukti in Ek saran Nam Dharma” in Shodh Sarita, ISSN: 2348-2397, Vol. 7, Issue 28, October-December, 2020, Lucknow: Sanchar Educational & Research Foundation. UGC Care listed journal.
- “Negation in Assamese and Deuri: A Comparative Study” in Sampriti ISSN: 2454-3837, Vol-VII, Issue-II, September, 2021, Pp. 281-296, Guwahati: Sampriti Publication. UGC Care listed journal.
- “Methods of Teaching English in Assamese Medium High Schools: A Study” in Research and Reflections on Education, ISSN: 0974-648X, Vol. 20, No.-1,2022. Palayamkottai, Tamilnadu: St. Xavier’s College of Education (Autonomous). UGC Care listed journal.
- “Sri Sri Banamali Aataa and Bhakti Ratna: A Glimpse” in Sri Sri Banamali Aataa-Smarak Grantha, ISBN: 97881955443-5-6, Pp. 449-457, Gohpur: Sristi Prakash, 2022.
- “The Changing Role of English Teacher and Need for Teacher Training” in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, ISSN: 2395-1885, Vol.9, Issue-4, April -2023.
- “Major Problems in Teaching and Learning of English in Assam: An Observation” in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, ISSN: 2395-1885, Vol.9, Issue-5, May-2023.
Other Publications
- “Galpar Darei” in Dainik Agradoot, 23 Aug, 2006.
- The “Chain that Gives Freedom” in Madhabdev College Magazine, 26 Issue, 2006.
- “Disinterestedness-As a Way of Living as Exhibited in the Gita and the Works of Albert Camus” in Madhabdev College Magazine, 26 Issues, 2006.
- “Prithibir Maram” in Shreemoyee, Dainik Agradoot , 20 Apr, 2008.
- “Ramayan: Ek Mulyabudhar Mahakabya” in Manikanchan , Sept, 2008.
- “Reminiscence of Sankardev Mahavidyalaya” in Souvenir: Sankardev Mahavidyalaya Silver Jubilee Dec, 2008.
- “Teaching of English as a Second Language: Some Problems” in Madhabdev College Magazine 27 Issue, 2008.
- “Aashray” in Agradoot 18 Feb, 2009.
- “Bhakti Aandolan aru Shankardevar Dharma Darshan” in Agradoot 27 Sept, 2009.
- “Prithibir Maram” in Galpa Sankalan-2010, Dec, 2009.
- “Understanding Sankardeva in Indian Context” in Madhupur: Satra Instituion & Culture, 2010.
- “The Outsider by Albert Camus” in Na (a monthly Assamese Magazine), serial translation from May, 2011.
- “Hail Hawking!!” in Souvenir, 19th State Children’s Science Congress, 2011, 13-16 Oct, 2011.
- “A Few Lines on the Person I Admire the Most” in Madhabdev College Magazine, 2010-11, 2012.
- “Sarba Bharatiya Prekshapatat Sankardevar Maya Aru Muktir Dharana” in Bhaktisudha, 5-8 Jan, 2012.
- “Moral Education and Present Education System” in Madhabdev College Magazine, 2011-12, 2014.
- “Assamese Language from the Bhasha Andolan to Globalization” in Madhabdev College Magazine, 2012-13, 2014.
- “Talibadak” in Barna Baibhav, ISBN: 978-93-95794-01-5, 2023.
- “Sahitya Sristir Nisprayujaniyata” in Madhabdev College Magazine, September 2023.
Papers Presented in Seminars/Conferences
- “Sankardev and the Bhakti Movement” paper presented in International Conference on Bhakti Movement & Srimanta Shankardeva, Asom Kalaniketan & Ass. Dept. Pragjyotish College, Guwahati, 9-11 Mar, 2007.
- “The Ramayana: An Epic of Value” paper presented in International Conference on The Ramayana: The World Peace and Harmony, Asom Kalaniketan, Guwahati, 19-20 Jan, 2008.
- “The Role of Reduplication in the Process of Assamese Word- formation” paper presented in International Seminar of the North East Indian Linguistics Society, Linguistics Dept, GU & La Trobe University, Australia, 12-14 Feb, 2010.
- “A Comparative Study of the Definitives of Assamese and Deuri Languages” paper presented in South Asian Language Analysis Roundtable 29, CIIL, Mysore, 6-8 Jan, 2011.
- “The Teacher’s Role of Classroom Teaching of English in Assamese Medium High Schools” paper presented in 6th International and 42nd Annual ELTAI Conference on Teacher Development, VIT University, Vellore, ELTAI, British Council, RELO, 16-18 June, 2011.
- “Negation in Assamese” paper presented in 1st International Conference of LSI, CIIL, Mysore & LSI, Pune, 27-29 Nov, 2013.
- “Influences of Non-Aryan Languages on Assamese” paper presented in International Conference on Indian Languages in Contact Situations, Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institutions, Pune, 4-6 Feb, 2016.
- “Assamese and Mishing Definitives: A Comparative Study” paper presented in 11th International Conference of NEILS11, CIT, Kokrajhar, 7-9 February, 2020.
- “Negation in Assamese and Deuri: A Comparative Study” paper presented in 42nd International Conference of LSI (ICOLSI-42), GLA University, Mathura, 10-12 December, 2020.
- “Interpretation of Poetry: Problems Confronted” paper presented in National Seminar on Interpretation of Texts, NEHU & CIEFL-RC, Shillong, 18-20 Oct, 2000.
- “Role of Language Learning in the Process of National Integration” paper presented in UGC National Seminar on Comparative Study UGC National Seminar on Comparative Study, Tezpur College, Tezpur, 29-30 Aug, 2008.
- “Globalisation and Its Impact on Modern Indian Languages” paper presented in UGC National Seminar on Globalisation and Its Impact on Ethnic Studies and Modern Indian Languages, Assamese, Biswanath College, 5-6 Sept, 2008.
- “Ethnic Conflict and National Integration in N-E India” paper presented in UGC National Seminar, Khagarijan College, Nagaon, 24-25 Oct, 2008.
- “A Hindu Approach to Environmental Issues” paper presented in UGC National Seminar on Menace of Population Pressure, Sankardeva Mahavidyalaya, Pathalipahar, 23-24 Sept, 2009.
- “The TDC Compulsory English Syllabuses of Gauhati and Dibrugarh Universities: Goals and Achievements” paper presented in UGC National Seminar on General Degree Courses and Examination System, Madhabdev College, Narayanpur & Jatiya Sevok Samaj, Narayanpur , 30-31 Oct, 2009.
- “Rape: How to Avoid or Face It” paper presented in UGC National Seminar on Protection of Women, Human Rights and Duties, Bihpuria College, Bihpuria, 5 Nov, 2009.
- “Assamese Language- from the Bhasha Andolan to Globalisation” paper presented in National Seminar on Current trends on Research of Regional History, Chaiduar College, Gohpur , 15-16 Sept, 2010.
- “Definitives in Assamese” paper presented in 32nd All India Conference of Linguistics, Linguistics Dept., Lucknow University, 21-23 Dec, 2010.
- “Place of Moral education in Present Education System” paper presented in Philosophy, Society and Values, Philosophy Dept., Biwanath College, Biswanath Chariali, 29-30 Dec, 2010.
- “The Changing Role of English Teacher and Need for Teacher Training” paper presented in Teacher Education in India: Issues, Trends and Challenges in 21st Century, Education Dept., Nowboicha College, Nowboicha, 9-10 Feb, 2011.
- “Understanding Sankardev in All Indian Context” paper presented in National seminar on Shrimanta Shankardeva: Life, Art and Thought, Centre for Shankardeva Studies, S.P.P. College, Namti, Sivasagar , 13-14 May, 2011.
- “Relational Noun in Assamese” paper presented in 33rd All India Conference on Linguistics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 1-3 Oct, 2011.
- “An Analysis of the Teacher’s Role in Classroom Teaching of English as a Second Language” paper presented in National ELT Conference for Teachers of English at the Undergraduate Level Gauhati University, Cambridge University Press, 19-20 Jan, 2012.
- “Demons and Witches in Assamese Belief: A Study” paper presented in National Seminar on Language, Literature & Culture of North-East India, Dept of Language and Literature, Chaiduar College, Gohpur, 17-18 Feb,2012.
- “Hurdles Faced by Women in Pursuing Higher Education” paper presented in National seminar on Role of Women in Management and Governance in Higher Education with special reference to the North East India, Women Cell, Madhabdev College Teachers’ Unit & ACTA, 28-29 Apr, 2012.
- “Global Warming and Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Remedies” paper presented in National Seminar on Climate Change in North east India: Causes, Impacts and Remedies, Madhabdev College, Narayanpur, 11-12 May, 2012.
- “Rape: A Violence Against Women” paper presented in National Seminar on Gender and Development in North-East India, Dept of Economics, Gosaigaon College & North East Research & Social Work Networking, 2-3 June, 2012.
- “Teaching English as L2 in Assamese Medium Schools and Colleges of Assam” paper presented in National Seminar on Different Classroom Teaching Practices: Goals & Achievements, Dept of English, Madhabdev College & Jatiya Sevok Samaj, Assam, 6-7 May, 2013.
- “Prospects of Distance Education in Educating the Underprivileged Women” paper presented in National Seminar on Empowering Women Workers in North Eastern India, Women Cell, LOKD College, 7-8 Feb, 2014.
- “Emotional Issues of Old Age: A Study” paper presented in National Seminar on Aging in India, Tezpur University, 22-23 Mar, 2014.
- “Methods of Teaching English in Assamese Medium Schools: An Observation” paper presented in National Seminar on Classroom Orientation Research, Dept of English, North Lakhimpur College, 3-4 May, 2014.
- “The Evaluation System of Semester System as Implemented in the UG Colleges under Dibrugarh University” paper presented in National Seminar on Implementation of Semester system, Dept of Education, Panigaon OPD College, 9-10 May, 2014.
- “Challenges of Cottage and Small-Scale Industries of the Rural Areas of Assam” paper presented in National Seminar on the Importance of Cottage Industries, Dept of Economics and Political Science, Laluk College, 6-7 Aug, 2014.
- “Internal Assessment System of the DU Affiliated UG Colleges: Some Observations” paper presented in National Seminar on Quality Improvement in HE, Nowboicha College, 14 Oct, 2015.
- “Learning Values: Why Our Students Do Not Care” paper presented in National Seminar on Role of College Teacher’s in Value Development, Madhabdev College, 8-9 Jan, 2016.
- “Folklore and Gender: Position of Women in Dak’s Sayings of Assam” paper presented in National Seminar on Gender and Folklore in NE India: Beliefs and Practices, NEHU, 30-31 Mar, 2016.
- “English: The Agent of Globalization and Imperialism” paper presented in National Seminar on Globalization and Its Impact on Indigenous Cultures of N E India, Silapathar College, 27-28 Aug, 2016.
- “Big River Dams: Selling of Future to Finance the Present” paper presented in National Seminar on Social Impacts of Large River Dams in N E India, Madhabdev University, 3-4 February, 2020.
Participation in Workshops:
- Seminar cum Workshop for teachers at secondary level, Madhabdev College, Narayanpur, 7-9 Feb, 2004.
- Workshop on Conservation of Non-human Primates, Madhabdev College Science Forum and Nature’s Beckon, 8 Aug, 2004.
- Workshop on Communicative Language Teaching: Classroom Issues, Assam University, Silchar, 26-27 Feb, 2009.
- Workshop on Research Methodology (Social Sciences and Humanities), NECRD, IGNOU, Guwahati, 23-27 Aug, 2010.
- National Seminar cum Workshop, Dept of Economics, Madhabdev College 6-10 May, 2013.
- Workshop on All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), Tezpur University, 14 Mar, 2014.
- National Workshop on RUSA, ACTA, Lakhimpur Zonal Committee, 8 Sept, 2014
- National Workshop on Quality Improvement in Institutional Management, Nowboicha College, 12 June, 2015.
- STC in Translation Theory and Assamese Translated Literature, HRDC, University of North Bengal, 15-21 Sept, 2016.
- CDAC Workshop on Information Security Education and Awareness, Madhabdev College, 28 Mar, 2017.
- Workshop cum Training Programme on Implementation of CBCS in UG Courses of Dibrugh University, Madhabdev College, 24-25 Mar, 2017.
- Swayam ARPIT online Annual Refresher Programme in English Language Teaching, February, 2020.
- NPTEL 4-week online course on Body Language: Key to Professional Success, September-October, 2020.
- NPTEL 12-week online course on Human Resource Development, September-December, 2020.
- IGNOU UGC Approved PDP on Implementation of NEP-2020 for University and College Teachers, November 07-16, 2022.
- Community Radio Awareness Workshop, Guwahati, Assam organized by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GOI, New Delhi in association with Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, October 31, 2023.
Chairperson/Rapporteur of Seminar/Conferences:
- Rapporteur in UGC N-E seminar on career Oriented Courses, Madhabdev College, Narayanpur, 11-12 Sept, 2007.
- Rapporteur in National Seminar on Human Rights in Indian Political and Social Scenerio, IQAC, Bihpuria College, Bihpuria, 18-19, Sept, 2010.
- Chairperson in National Seminar on Classroom Orientation Research, Dept of English, North Lakhimpur College, 3-4 May, 2014.
- Rapporteur in National Seminar on Quality Improvement in HE, Nowboicha College, 14 Oct, 2015.
- Rapporteur in National Seminar on Studies on North East Indian Language and Cultural Heritage, Madhabdev College, 8-9 Jan, 2016.
- Rapporteur in National Seminar on Bio-Diversity Degradation and Its Impact, Madhabdev College, 18-19 February, 2016.
- President of 1st Lakhimpur District Yoga Sports Championship 2020 held on 5th December, 2020.
Resource Person/Subject Expert/Keynote Address:
- Resource Person in TET Coaching Class, Madhabdev College, Narayanpur, 12-27 Aug, 2011.
- Resource Person in Teacher Training, Sishu Siksha Samiti, Assam Narayanpur Sankul, 17 May, 2014.
- Resource Person in Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction sponsored by RGNIYD, Madhabdev College, 20-26 Sept, 2016.
- External Subject Expert for Promotion from JRF to SRF, Department of Modern Indian Languages and Literary Study, University of Delhi, 24th February, 2022.
- Keynote speaker ICHR sponsored National Seminar on Bhaona Culture in the context of Neo-Vaishnavite Movement with special reference to Assam, Dept of Assamese, Sankardeva Mahavidyalaya, 22nd & 23rd December, 2023.
Co-Ordinator of National Seminar:
- UGC National Seminar on General Degree Courses and Examination System, Madhabdev College, Narayanpur & Jatiya Sevok Samaj, Narayanpur, 30-31 Oct, 2009.
- National seminar on Role of Women in Management and Governance in Higher Education with special reference to the North East India, Women Cell, Madhabdev College Teachers’ Unit & ACTA, 28-29 Apr, 2012.
- National Seminar on Different Classroom Teaching Practices: Goals & Achievements, Dept of English, Madhabdev College & Jatiya Sevok Samaj, Assam, 6-7 May, 2013.